Information related to Huawei 2018 road map is circulating on the internet. The China-based company plans to launch three P series smartphones, P Plus, P and P Lite, by 2018.
In the first quarter of 2018, Huawei plans to market Mate 10 Pro and Mate 10 Lite in more markets in the world, and announced three new smartphones with Maya, Salina and Honor 1.
In addition, Huawei A2 wearable devices are also expected to appear in the first quarter, together with the new Huawei 360 Camera, an accessory called Huawei Scale and Huawei B618 wireless router.
Along with three new P series phones, Huawei plans to announce the second Honor smartphone in the second quarter of 2018. The series of smartphones is also accompanied by Huawei B525, estimated as a router.
Meanwhile, in the third quarter of 2018, Huawei plans to introduce one device, the smartphone branded a third Honor. The fourth quarter of 2018 is reportedly going to be a busy period for Huawei.