Germany began enacting a new law that forced social media companies to remove hate speech posts

Social media applications
Germany plans to apply hate speech laws that have been discussed since mid-2017. Germany will also apply these rules to major media such as Facebook, Twitter and Google. On January 1st, the country began to apply strict rules to major media such as those already mentioned (Facebook, Twitter and Google).

They also said that Companies that failed to remove offensive posts within 24 hours would be fined up to 50 million euros (about $ 58 million) if they failed to remove posts containing hate speech. The Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (NetzDG) law was passed around late June 2017 and entered into force in October 2017. However, social media will be given only until the end of 2017.

And social media companies are also forced to place a place structure to make it easier for users to report hateful content that they have discovered.

The German parliament initially passed the law by the end of June 2017 and entered into force in October. However, legislators allow time for a three-month site to be able to collect internal systems and remove prohibited content

Actually, Germany decided the law after several cases of fake news and hate material that has been circulating online. Some popular social networks are found not to take action against the vast amount of racist material distributed through the German web for the purpose of hatred.

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