Samsung Beat Intel So Chip Maker Company Largest

In its latest financial report, Samsung managed to get the highest quarterly profit of US $ 12.7 billion, which made it close to Apple's profit. In addition, Samsung also managed to get another achievement.

Of its $ 54.8 billion revenue, $ 15.8 billion came from Samsung Semiconductors. Samsung's semiconductor division revenue has surpassed Intel, which earned only $ 14.8 billion. That means, Samsung managed to seize the position of Intel as the world's largest chip maker.

Samsung did not get that position by selling more processors. Instead, South Korean companies are actually increasing the type of processor they sell.

As Engadget mentions, Intel focuses its business on processors for computers and servers after shutting down their wearable divisions in November.

Meanwhile, Samsung is expanding their business and not only making chips for mobile devices, but also for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and smart vehicles.

In addition, Samsung also managed to beat Intel thanks to its success with a more popular SSD products. However, Intel is reluctant to surrender his throne to Samsung just like that.

They claim, the long-delayed 10nm Cannon Lake chip will have twice as many transistors as Samsung's or TSMC's chips, which will make their technology much more sophisticated.

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