The television presence was revealed from the launch teaser Samsung uploaded on YouTube. An event called First Look will be held in New York, United States, on 7 March.
Interestingly the launch event will take place on the American Stock Exchange. An unusual location used for a consumer product launch, especially television products.
"As long as its technological evolution continues, Samsung is always designing its products according to the lifestyles of its customers.The new QLED TV will do this in a new way for 2018," Samsung quoted from its official website.
Although giving clue, South Korean vendors are not detailed what new ways they will present. But back in January, Samsung had said that they will complete his TV with Bixby.
Maybe the plan will be realized at this time. Because at the 2018 CES exhibition then, Samsung introduced only modular Micro 146 inch LED television.
With a digital assistant will certainly allow users to operate his TV. It's voice command feature Samsung has given to the ranks of the television since a long time, but with Bixby will definitely provide a smarter experience again.