Apple Pays US $2 Billion For Nokia Patent License?

Apple reportedly paid US $ 2 billion to Nokia to get permission to use the company's proprietary wireless technology patent.

The information appears based on quarterly financial reports announced by Nokia a few days ago. In the report pinned down a mysterious down payment with a value of about US $ 1.7 billion.

Such payments are acknowledged by Nokia as second-quarter earnings in 2017. As mentioned pertaining to Apple's patent and wireless technology patents, Nokia employees provide confirmation.

However, Nokia employees are reluctant to provide further information asked the media to wait for a press conference that will do to get further information.

Nokia reportedly worked with Apple in May, and at that time called will change the structure of its capital optimization program. This means large payouts from Apple, and royalties for patents received by Nokia will last for several years.

Meanwhile, previously, Apple has obtained an experimental license from the United States' communications regulatory body FCC, to test the 5G network technology. The permits are especially for short-range millimeter wave spectrum at frequencies 28GHz and 39GHz. 

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