Identity of the shooter at the YouTube office is known

The police officer at the Youtube office
The identity of the shooters at the YouTube headquarters was a woman named Nasim Najafi Aghdam, 39 years old.

The authorities announce the identity of the perpetrators several hours after the incident. Nasim is a vegan with a YouTube account, but now his account has been banned.

He committed suicide on the spot after injuring three others. Temporary suspicion, the perpetrator did so because he wanted to finish off his lover.

Among the victims were two women and a man whose identity was unknown. Nasim is from southern California.

Nasim was allegedly angry at YouTube for disliking the platform's latest policy. For now, the authorities still have not seen this case as a case of terrorism.

Previously reported YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California, United States, became the location of the shooting that occurred on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.

Eyewitnesses said female perpetrators shot at least four people, before ending their own lives at around 1pm. Reports say shots are fired at outdoor dining, which is behind the office complex.

In a statement, Google, YouTube's parent company, said it continued to coordinate with the authorities and would help the injured.
