The new generation processor indicates the launch of Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9
Galaxy S9 seems to be the next big release by Samsung. Not yet known exactly when the handset will be launched. Samsung is rumored to start producing a new generation of processors are touted will support a new smartphone, S9. In a statement, Samsung confirmed the mass production of System-on-Chip (SoC) built on second-generation 10-nanometer FinFET.

This South Korean company revealed that this chip will be used on digital devices that are scheduled to slide early next year. It is expected that the chip will be available more widely throughout the year.
"We will be able to serve our customers better through migrating from 10LPE to 10LPP with better performance and higher initial results," said Ryan Lee, Foundry Marketing vice president at Samsung Electronics.
He further said, Samsung with a long lasting 10nm process strategy will continue to work in the evolution of 10nm to 8LPP technology to offer a competitive advantage to various applications for users.
Samsung reportedly will also use the new Snapdragon 845 Qualcomm processor on some of its newest devices.
Judging from some rumors circulating that Samsung will release three ranks of Galaxy S9 smartphone. As is known Samsung usually release two models for new smartphone like S8 and S8 +. But for the Galaxy S9, Samsung is said to be launching three variants.
