Founder of Essential smartphone startup Andy Rubin has returned to work after taking leave

Andy Rubin
Android creator and CEO of Essential Products Andy Rubin has returned to work after taking a leave less than two weeks ago reportedly for personal reasons. On Friday, Rubin ended his personal leave taken in November after handling personal issues.

The Information which says that Google is investigating an allegation from a woman who had worked with Rubin. A spokesperson for Rubin said there was a connection he had while with Google being consensual.

After an investigation by Google, the company reportedly said Rubin's actions were incorrect and showed poor judgment.

Rubin spokesperson said that at the time he had never been told by Google directly that he was involved in a wrong act while he was still working with the company.

The decision to return to Essential is likely to be able to complete the next product of the company, Essential Home designed to use smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home.

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