Apple first introduced iOS 11 at the WWDC developer conference event in June. At a glance, the latest version of iOS looks no more than a regular annual upgrade. However, on the inside, hidden the complexity that is not visible to the eye.
For example, iOS 11 already supports ARKit, Apple's augmented reality platform. In addition, it also comes with a new Files app.
Apple has also made Siri better. Apple also improves the Control Center, which you can now customize to your needs.
Changes in iOS 11 will be more felt on the iPad. iOS 11 now provides better support for multitasking. That way, you can find it easier to use apps simultaneously. Now, you'll even be able to use 3 apps at the same time.
The drag-and-drop feature also allows you to organize various content on Files. You can even drag-and-drop photos and posts from one app to another.
Many of the iOS 11 features still need to be refined or get support from developers before they can be fully enjoyed by the user. However, these features will help Apple to align experience across multiple devices.