The US asked Facebook to tap the conversation on Messenger

Facebook Messenger
Facebook reportedly asked the Government of the United States to tap a talk on chat Messenger application. Tapping is done to hear talk of a suspect involved in the criminal investigation. The criminal investigation is related to the MS-13 gang in Fresno, United States. However, the US Government reported Facebook is rumored to court over allegations of contempt of court for refusing to cooperate. As reported by CNET, from the case itself involves a voice call on Messenger called Facebook is encrypted end-to-end.

That is, the content of the talks is known only by the user who make and receive calls. Facebook cannot know the contents of the talks without turning off encryption. Facebook has argued if they approve the request of the U.S. Government, then they have to rewrite the code in the application to turn off the encryption that is relied upon by more than one billion people each month.

Facebook is not the first technology company requested the US Government to access data belonging to criminal suspects.  In the year 2016, Apple engaged in Legal Affairs with the FBI after refusing to grant access to the iPhone's proprietary mass shooter in San Bernardino, United States.


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