They post a video that Apple's flagship gadget destruction in social media. In one video, a man seemed to ruin the iPhone with a hammer while the 4 partner sees behind the flag with Turkey.
In another video, a member of the National Movement Party of Turkey, Cemal Enginyurt, looks to buy a Samsung phone while his companion through the iPhone to the floor and stepped on him. There is also a video of a guy's Turkey shoot iPhone from close range, according to a report from the Daily Mail.
Erdogan called for a boycott of US products because the country United States that accused him intentionally want to destroy Turkey's economic crisis threatened now. Erdogan himself is known as the iPhone users, but maybe now he would switch to other mobile phone brands.Man puts bullet through iPhone after Erdogan urged Turkish citizens to boycott Apple products. A true parrot...I mean patriot. #Turkey #NATO— Samira Ghaderi (@Samira_Ghaderi) 16 Agustus 2018
"Whatever we buy from overseas, we will produce it here with a better quality and export it. We will boycott the U.S. electronic products, "demolished Erdogan.
"If they have the iPhone, on the other hand, there are Samsung. And we also have a phone of its own brand. We will produce it in quantities sufficient for our own, "added Erdogan.