Get to know Eduard Khil Doodle Today

Eduard Khil Google Doodle
Google Doodle today shows animations from a man who was humming. The animation was made to celebrate the 83rd anniversary of Eduard Anatolyevich Khil. To know who it is actually Eduard Khil refer to the following reviews.
Eduard Khil is a Russian baritone singer. His career as a pop singer was quite successful, making him successfully bring home numerous awards. One of them was People's Artist of Russia in 1974.

In 2009, her performance when singing "I Am Glad Because I Am Finally Returning Back Home" appeared for the first time on YouTube.
While singing the song, Khil just hums without a word. In performance, the chanting khil sang sounded like "Trololo" in the listener's ear. The video quickly became popular and in 2010, Khil has become an internet sensation.

Many memes appeared about Khil later known as "Mr. Trololo". The popularity of this video makes people interested again with Khil singing career. He was even asked to be active again as a singer.
Khil just realized that he became famous on the internet after he heard a grandson humming the song he sang it. While Khil's son mentioned saying that Khil did not believe that he became popular and suspected he was being trampled.

Google says, Doodle animation today inspired from the video "Trololo" which makes Khil became the sensation of the internet. In the video, Khil uses a brown suit, smiling broadly as he begins to hum "Trololo".
