The masses chanted anti-government slogans and carried banners containing Internet censorship messages. "The authorities want to take our secret message, our personal life", shouted Former Russian Prime Minister and opposition politician Mikhail Kasyanov.
In addition, the masses also fly airplanes made of paper that resemble Telegram symbols. About 20 demonstrators were detained by authorities, according to the OVD-info human rights group.
Since last month, the Russian government through Roskomnadzor, the national agency responsible for the communications sector and the mass media, has indeed made a number of attempts to completely remove Pavel Durov's artificial apps from circulation. Initially, they have limited access for Telegram users.
Later, they asked Google and Apple to remove Telegram from its app store platform. In fact, Roskomnadzor to block about 15.8 million IP addresses on Google Cloud and Amazon Web Service allegedly used Telegram. This caused a number of other online platforms such as Spotify and Google to be distracted.
Roskomnadzor did not mention who the VPN service providers and such are being blocked. Even so, APK Mirror became one of the targets of the institution. This is evident from a tweet uploaded by the distribution and installation providers for the Android-based device.
"The Russian government has asked us to stop providing APK for Telegram for users in Russia," he wrote.
In addition, Roskomnadzor's efforts this time also seemed to be the answer of what Durov said that claims that Telegram users in Russia can still access the application. This is because, as admittedly, users are using proxy and VPN services to still gain access to Telegram.