Bridge in Hanoi Use Cloud Based Lighting System

Nhat Tan Bridge
Philips has just illuminated one of the city icons of Hanoi, Vietnam. In order to be controlled remotely, they carry a cloud-based lighting system.

With the Vietnamese construction company, Sun Group, Philips changed the look of the Nhật Tân bridge in Hanoi. They put colored lights so that presents the art of lighting.

Philips illuminated the five span of bridges and wires passing over them. As a result everyone passing through the Red River of Hanoi will find five colors strung out on the Nhật Tân bridge.

In controlling it, Philisp implemented a cloud-based lighting management system named ActiveSite. This system will not only monitor, but maintain and manage the lighting system remotely.

While the point of light that runs along the bridge using Philips Color Kinetics. This technology can display an astonishing 16.7 million different colors and allow bridges to be irradiated with special colors to commemorate celebrations. As is known Philips has often done lighting on icons in various countries.

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