Waymo Ready to Test Car Without Driver for Passenger

(Image: Autoweek)

Waymo will begin testing autonomos car programs for hundreds of families in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. For starters, the company under Alphabet - the parent company of Google - is buying a 500 Chrysler minivan.

Waymo previously secretly tested the service for a limited number of families in order to learn what the user wants from the service.

On the basis of the final test, Uber's competitor in the field of autonomos technology advised users to participate in the next test - the autonomous car program's inaugural test for passengers. However, it should be emphasized that this test still involves human operators, if in certain cases, intervention is necessary.

For information, currently the technology company in Silicon Valley is racing in the field of autonomos car technology. This field is predicted to be able to change the automotive industry and become a lucrative land for the company.

Waymo is one of the technology companies with a good track record in this field and established a partnership with automotive company Fiat Chrysler Automobile.
