Mozilla claims YouTube slows performance in non-Chrome browsers

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Mozilla engineers say that the overhaul of the design that made the site YouTube became slower in Firefox and Edge.  Chris Peterson, Technical Program Manager Mozilla make uploads on Twitter, says that the speed of YouTube in a non-browser Chrome reached only one-fifth of Chrome, as reported first by Softpedia.

"Reshuffle YouTube design rely on Shadow DOM v0 fire that is only available in Chrome, " writes Peterson CNET report.

"YouTube using Shadow DOM polyfill to Firefox and slower than Edge implementation in Chrome. On my laptop, the first page takes 5 seconds when YouTube using polyfill and 1 second without polyfill.  "

Peterson then offers a way to fix this problem on Mozilla Firefox and also on the Microsoft Edge using Add-ons.

Google answer claims Peterson. A Google spokesman said the company found no difference in the performance of YouTube in Firefox compared to Chrome.

He mentioned, Google always tries to make YouTube faster, no matter which browser you use users.

"Mozilla Workers free to his personal opinion expressed in, therefore, and share tips and tricks that they find to make it easier for users utilizing the internet. As an open-source company, we support the spread of information and tools that enhance their internet experience, which is very important for all internet users,  "says a spokeswoman for Mozilla.

In may, YouTube revealed that they have registered 1.8 billion viewers every month.

Prior to this, they also mentioned that as many as 400 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute. The speed to open YouTube will be one of the factors for internet users to vote for their favorite browser.


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