To increase the number of Thunderbolt 3 port adopters, Intel has its own way. One way is to integrate the support of this port into the processor.
The first Alpine Ridge Thunderbolt 3 chip was released in Q3 2015, but until Kaby Lake processor was released, Alpine Ridge chip is not yet integrated, but will be integrated on next-generation processors.
Another way of Intel is to free the royalty fees for Thunderbolt 3. That way, third-party manufacturers will be able to integrate the chip into its homemade chip.
For example, the AMD system could have been integrated with Thunderbolt 3 with cheaper chip prices, as quoted from Arstechnica.
With so expected to be more and more manufacturers that utilize port Thunderbolt 3 is. Because this port can replace some types of ports that exist today at once, such as data charger port, to transmit data, as well as a port for the monitor.
Alpine Ridge Chip also supports USB 3.1 interface, which has 10 Gbps bandwidth, double the bandwidth of previous generation connections, which only 5 Gbps.