has been collecting user responses on Facebook surveys and quizzes
since 2015, via a homemade app called "thisisyourdigitallife". The application was just downloaded 270,000 Facebook users. However, the effect hit the 50 million users, because the application is able to access the data of friends from the downloader.
Anyone who
downloads the app unconsciously and voluntarily submits their personal
data, what they like, where they live, and who their friends are.
Facebook has suspended Cambridge Analytica, SCL, Kogan, and Christopher Wylie. Wylie is a whistleblower whisper that reveals the leak and abuse of data 50 million Facebook users to the mass media.
"We continue to investigate to see the level of accuracy of these claims. If true, this is an unforgivable crime, "said Vice President and General Counsel of Facebook, Paul Grewal.
Meanwhile, a SCL spokesman denied the allegations addressed to his side and Cambridge Analytica. However, there is no more detailed explanation of the denial.
"Cambridge Analytica and SCL do not hold Facebook data," he said.