Parties Managing Director of Xiaomi India Manu Kumar Jain encourages figure named Jai Mani through a Twitter account. known Jai Mani is Head of Global Product Pocophone, based on the description in his Twitter account.
According to a tweet from a Twitter account @GlobalPocophone account, as an official partner of towed Qualcomm to provide a processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 on this smartphone.Full throttle ahead! My best wishes to you @jaimani and the @IndiaPOCO team.— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) 9 Agustus 2018
I can sense that something wonderful is about to happen 😇
Still in the same Twitter account, provided the explanation of Mani about brand Revitalization. He explained that Poco had the vision to provide a smartphone with the fastest and best performance but at an affordable price.
He quipped the now flagship smartphone price reached USD 1,000 as the iPhone X but the lack of innovation in the smartphone industry. Pocophone F1 itself is currently selling prices have not provided when it was released.
So far, the information circulated to mention that Pocophone F1 in India comes with a variant of the model and RAM capacity internal memory is great, but still with the processor Snapdragon 845.
Pocophone F1 in India reportedly comes with a choice of internal memory RAM and 6 GB/64 GB, 128 GB, and 6 GB/8 GB/256 GB. As far as this tweet Pocophone Twitter account just a promising performance thanks to the support of Snapdragon 845.