The Cupertino origin company wanted to use the drones to take pictures of a number of areas. This news has actually been heard since 2016.
Apple spokesman said the company will take pictures of land and air around the world to improve Apple Maps. For that, drones are used to take aerial pictures and a number of areas.
Not only that, Apple also ensures will guarantee the personal secrets of people who caught the camera drones. The company ensures that no sensitive data will be released.
"Apple is committed to protecting people's privacy, including in this process by obscuring the face and license plate of vehicles when the map is published," a company spokeswoman said.
If this works, it is not impossible that Apple can actually improve the ability of its map application. On the other hand, it is possible the company will utilize the drones to take more pictures around the world.
The plan, shooting through this drone will be done in North Carolina. Apple has reportedly also been working with local transport authorities to fly drones in the region.