Someone Try to Hack NATO Army Mobile Phone

NATO Soldier
NATO forces (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) must defend themselves from cyber attacks launched through smartphones. There are a bunch of attacks aimed at US troops. This attack targets iCloud, Facebook and even per individual devices. Most of these attacks are not very sophisticated, but these attacks are enough to get the attacker to know troop movements or other sensitive data.

So far, this attack has focused on 4,000 NATO troops deployed to Eastern Europe, near the Russian border. Therefore, it is suspected, the motive of this attack is geopolitics. There are at least 6 soldiers who are victims of this cyber attack.

These attacks range from hacking of Facebook accounts to suspicious "Find my iPhone" requests. While other attacks indicate that the attacker uses the device to collect contact information and delete data from surrounding phones.

According to US authorities, the Journal mentioned that the attack was carried out by the Russian government. The authorities also believe, various other sophisticated techniques are used in this attack.

However, many attacks in this report can also be done by ordinary criminals such as attacks that utilize Find my iPhone.

If this attack is done by Russia this is not the first time the Kremlin uses a less sophisticated digital attack. Prior to this, Russia allegedly sent Twitter messages containing malware to more than 10 thousand US Department of Defense workers.

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