Cambridge Analytica scandal did not have much impact on Facebook

Cambridge Analytica
The fall of Facebook seems overrated, at least according to Facebook. Although the Cambridge Analytica scandal shocked and encouraged the emergence of the #DeleteFacebook tag, the social media still seems to be operating as usual. An executive confirmed this in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
Most users do not change their rules and advertisers also do not suddenly revoke their ads from Facebook. "We do not see drastic changes from users, for example, people suddenly no longer want to share their data with us, '" said VP, Global Marketing Carolyn Everson.

Indeed, Facebook is now under the watchful eye of various regulators in the world. However, Everson said that they do not expect there will be many regulatory changes for Facebook, TechCrunch reports.

The executive said Facebook does not "anticipate drastic changes in our revenue and business models" because users can opt out of targeted advertising models, which are focused on investigating the United States Congress.
Wall Street analysts agreed with the statement. Advertisers also do not flock to decide to stop advertising on Facebook. "Ads on Facebook are cheaper when compared to the growth they get in. We did a study showing that there was no decrease in advertisers," said analyst David Seaburg at CNBC.

Another case with Cambridge Analytica. Companies whose data collection operations start this scandal seem to be hard to cope with the criticism they get. Until now, they are constantly trying to improve their reputation.

Of course, Cambridge Analytica is not Facebook. Most people have become addicted to Facebook, whether for personal or professional needs. It's hard to remember a time when we have not used social media yet. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine a life without Facebook.
