Apple HomePod is not supported by the ability to broadcast audio via Bluetooth

Apple HomePod
Ahead of the launch date, a number of information related to the ability of Apple HomePod increasingly widespread on the internet. The latest information calling Apple's first smart speakers is not equipped with the ability to play audio via Bluetooth.

This is considered a surprising number of parties, given HomePod is supported wireless version 5.0 version of low-power wireless connectivity and with the latest high coverage. On uploads, Apple includes updated information related to a number of compatible sound sources with HomePod.

In the update the information stated that HomePod can only play audio from sources such as Apple Music, iTunes Music Purchase, iCloud Music Library by subscribing to Apple Music or iTunes Match, Beats 1 Live Radio, and Podcasts.

HomePod can also broadcast content via AirPlay from iPhone, iPad, iPad Touch, Apple TV and Mac. Not only for devices other than Apple, the inability of HomePod to broadcast audio via Bluetooth can not be done via the iPhone.

Previously, Apple reportedly undergoing investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) United States, related to the decision to change the speed of a number of specific models.

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