Snowden commented on Facebook data theft scandal

Edward Snowden
Facebook data abuse scandal apparently still has some stories. This time it was Edward Snowden's turn, a former member of the NSA, speaking up.

Snowden voiced anxiety related to Facebook data abuse. Through his Twitter account, he uploaded a video interview of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

In a video interview conducted in 2009, Zuckerberg ensure Facebook guarantees the security of user data. He also said that Facebook will never sell the data.

I do not know what the purpose of Snowden, but from the upload that he seemed to want to remind that Facebook is not serious about data security. Therefore, through the upload, he asked his followers to distribute the video.

"Please help Facebook CEO interview video in 2009 can be seen by people who do not have Twitter," he wrote. Snowden also shared a direct link to download it.
