Google Drive Desktop App is Retired Immediately

Google Drive
Google Drive cloud storage service has been accessible through desktop computers through the Google Drive app. However, in the near future, the application will be retired by Google, precisely in March 2018.

Support for Google Drive desktop apps, whether for PC or Mac, will be discontinued on December 11th this year. Users will get a notification of notification about it starting in October.

Instead of the Drive app, Google sets up a new app called Backup and Sync. The app that simultaneously replaces the Google Photos Uploader has more functionality and workarounds similar to Drive.

Google Drive's cloud storage service itself will remain and remain unchanged so that it remains accessible as usual, whether from the web, smartphone, or Backup and Sync.

The Backup and Sync app is for general users. For businesses, Google offers the Drive File Stream app. The Drive File Stream function is similar to Backup and Sync, but there are a number of important differences.

For example, it can stream files from the cloud without having to store files locally on the computer. Instead, Backup and Sync must locate the copy of the file locally, and then backed up to the Google Drive cloud service.

Drive File Stream is also displayed as a mounted drive on the computer, while Backup and Sync displays My Drive as a shortcut.
