Motorola showcased the Android 8.0 teaser for Moto Z2 Force

Moto Z2 Force
A number of Motorola Moto Z2 Force owners reported having received a teaser informing them that the Android operating system update 8.0 will arrive on the device in the coming weeks. The update comes with new features like Picture-in-Picture, which allows users to watch videos while continuing to do work on apps working in the background.

In addition, the operating system update is also equipped with other new features such as Adaptive Icon, Autofill and so on.

The update allows the recipient Motorola device to run a number of unique new things from the smartphone manufacturer.

Motorola's unique new features include new features that let users safely store passwords, as well as new Moto Live Stream features. Motorola has tested Google's latest mobile operating system on a number of models, including Moto Z2 Force.

Motorola Moto Z2 Force is rumored to be the first model to receive the update. Meanwhile, this test has been done Motorola on Moto Z, Moto Z and Moto Z2 Play previously mentioned.

Previously, Motorola participated in the competition Apple and Samsung submitted the company from South Korea through advertising. Motorola responded to Samsung's satire advertisements for Apple through an advertisement that took Samsung users upgrades to their devices.

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