The most common problems experienced by users of smartphones with touch screen is a loss of sensitivity of the screen. And the problem, replace expensive if the display is not it? Let's not panic, here JalanTikus provide a way to make back-sensitive touch screen.
How to Make a Return Sensitive Touch Screen Smartphone
Touch screen smartphone so you often crashed, so you can immediately think of the new smartphone locker. Though it can be ngadatnya only temporary because there is an interruption of hardware or software. And usually can be overcome.As for some of the causes are less sensitive touch screen, namely:
1. Electrical current excess of charger is not innate.
2. Too much animation enabled.
3. Never hit.
To make a back-sensitive touch screen smartphone, try some of the following ways:
1. Reduce Scale Animation on Screen

To turn off the screen animation scale, please go to the menu Settings> Developer Options. Search Windows Animation Scale, Scale and Transition Animation Scale Animator Duration, and change the number to .5x yes!
2. Install Pixel Fixer
Less sensitive screen can also be a sign of any dead pixels on the screen. With the assistance of dynamic signal stimuli generated by the application Pixel Fixer, besides fixing dead pixels, is also expected to make the sail back sensitive.3. Stop Pake Charger Not Default

The electric current is too high will create a surge in the display. Well, the electric current on the surface of this screen will make awesome Android smartphone screen. If used in a long period of time can make the screen less sensitive.
4. Open its Tempered Glass

Please try all of the above to make a smartphone screen sensitive ya back! And remember, if all means have been tried but did not succeed, it may be time you buy a new smartphone.