Samsung Will Earn More Money from iPhone X

iPhone X
Sales of iPhone X was not only an impact for Apple as the manufacturer. Other companies that act as component providers also benefit from the sale. One of them is Samsung. The South Korean company could earn at least US $ 110 from each Apple iPhone X.

Samsung is a company as a whole and not Samsung Electronics, a consumer device maker. In this case, Samsung is earning revenue from its component division provider.

Samsung earned revenue from sales of the screen reached US $ 4 billion. That number even surpassed the revenue from component sales for the Galaxy S8. Apple mentioned will encourage sales of the iPhone X more massive to the market. It will certainly affect the outcome of the sale of screen components to the Cupertino origin company.

This achievement is reasonable considering Samsung is the only company that produces OLED display, NAND flash, and DRAM chips that Apple needs to make iPhone.

The number of Apple component orders for the iPhone is very large and has an impact on Samsung's revenue as a company. Samsung's revenue turns out 35 percent comes from sales to Apple.

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