OnePlus Promise Stop Spy User

OnePlus 3
A surprising confession emerged from OnePlus claiming to be spying on its users. But now OnePlus promises never to do it again.

In recognition, OnePlus calls the collection of data made from users in the form of serial number, IMEI, MAC Address, until the name of WiFi. The purpose of data collection is to know the behavior of users, which will then be used for the development of better features.

The problem is OnePlus does it secretly without the user's permission. So the allegation appears that OnePlus is considered to be spying on users.

Not wanting to extend the polemic that happened, Carl Pei who became one of the founders OnePlus ensure that none of the data collected that used third parties.

In addition to the future OnePlus will also ask for permission in advance to the user before the device data is requested.

"We will ask for confirmation via the wizard asking users if they want to follow our user experience program.The wizard will clearly show that the purpose of the program is to collect the usage analysis," he said.

This policy change will be made OnePlus from late October. So, users will be asked whether they want their device data requested in the goal to help more relevant developments as per user requirements.

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