Not Just Flexible, This LG-Made Screen Is Also Transparent

Not Just Flexible, This LG-Made Screen Is Also Transparent
LG Display, a subsidiary of LG, re-announced the latest innovations from its display products. The South Korean company managed to develop a flexible screen resolution UHD with 77 inch size.

Uniquely, this screen is not only flexible, but also transparent so it looks like ordinary glass. Quoted from ZDNet, in the development of this screen, LG is supported by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy of South Korea.

The purpose of this project is to create a 60-inch UHD screen that is not only flexible, but also transparent. This is done so that LG can continue to compete with other screen supplier companies from Taiwan and China.

For the manufacturing process, LG takes about 59 months. This screen has a 40 percent transmittance with 8oR curvature, so it can be folded into a circle shape up to an 80mm radius.

After the development process is successful, also prepared a special kit to support mass production of this screen. LG is also working with other developers in the development of interface display software for a variety of needs.

Unfortunately, not yet certain when this screen will start mass produced, since until now still in the research stage. LG itself is often showing off the innovation screen arc in some occasions.

In 2016, the company displays a rollable screen, just like a newspaper. Previously, LG also had time to display the concept of flexible screen measuring 55 inches with transmittance up to 40 percent.
