Tesla Will Have Your Own Music Streaming Service?

Tesla Will Have Your Own Music Streaming Service?
Tesla, a company led by Elon Musk is known to be engaged in the electric car. But the latest report says that the company plans to flap its wings by launching its own music streaming platform.

Quoted from Forbes, this development plan is still brewed by the internal Tesla. For that, not yet certain what the format will be offered company from the United States.

However, the company has reportedly contacted major labels to get the rights to broadcast songs and albums from renowned musicians.

Some analysts predict, this service will be offered specifically for Tesla car users, but not closed the possibility of this service can also be accessed by non-users of electric cars.

When confirmed, Tesla spokesman just did not dismiss or confirm the presence of this service. The spokesperson only said, they are trying to offer the best service to users.

"We believe that it is important to bring exceptional experience in the car, including allowing users to listen to music from any source they choose," said a company spokesman.

If this news is true, it is not possible this is the first step Musk plunge into the music industry. In addition to Tesla who is engaged in the automotive industry, he also leads SpaceX, a company engaged in space flight.

For information, Tesla actually been working with Spotify to bring music streaming service in his car.

Through this service, Tesla users outside the United States, such as Europe, Australia, and Hong Kong can directly listen to Spotify's collection of songs.

Uniquely, users do not need to have a Spotify account to be able to enjoy the content in it. Users of Model X and Model S will be automatically registered as Spotify Premium customers so that they have full access to the Swedish service.

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