Cyber Attack Threatens the World


The threat of cyber attack to more than 70 countries echoed hackers (hackers) was impacted to Indonesia. The incident has been recognized by some cyber security activists in Indonesia. Most, health institutions such as hospitals are attacked.

Responding to this troubling incident, the Ministry of Communications and Information affirmed, it will not remain silent.

"This scale is not (ulah) hackers anymore. This action has been categorized as acts of terrorism. If the hacker has ethics, never attacked the hospital, "said Director General of Informatics Applications Kemenkominfo, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan.

Followed by a man who is familiarly called Semmy, Kemenkominfo will follow up the incident in coordination with a number of relevant agencies. "We are working, we try to make this cyber attack does not harm other parties as well," he said.

Previously, cyber security experts identified the attack as a new type of WannaCry malware. In addition to Indonesia, he also has spread to several countries ranging from England, Spain, Russia, Taiwan, France, Japan, and many more.

Just for information, malware exploits a vulnerability in Windows known as EternalBlue. Previously, the 'hole' was leaked by a group called Shadow Brokers.

Through the action last month, the group uploaded several hacking tools that allegedly belonged to the NSA (National Security Agency).

Known, reports of cyber-attack incidents originated from National Health Service hospitals and several facilities across the UK, which had system failures and some machines locked.

Appearing on screen, a message requesting a bitcoin ransmage is equivalent to US $ 300. Not only that, similar malware also attacks several companies in Spain, such as Telefonica, Natural Gas, and Iberdrola. 

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