In fact, there is a cam action that looks nothing like most cam actions. Benjamin Button is designed like a shirt button so it's easy to fit, like clip-on, on the collar of the children's or parent's.
What makes this device unusual is the artificial intelligence technology that can take photos based on sound detection and facial movement. In addition, Benjamin Button can also choose the best photos he took.
Not only that, as reported by Wareable, cam action is also equipped with facial recognition technology in order to distinguish family members and unidentified people.
Problem specification, Benjamin Button is capable of recording or taking photos in a duration of three hours with 1080p resolution and speed of 25 frames per second (fps). This device is also wrapped with cover waterproof.
Unfortunately, this camera is not equipped with features WiFi and Bluetooth connection. Meaning to send photos, users must sync the camera to computer with USB-C connector.