3,5 Million Android Phone Predicted Infected with Malware in 2017

Android may be secure enough, but not necessarily your smartphone is safe. According to predictions of security firm G Data, there are 3.5 million Android devices that will be infected with malware in 2017.

Launched from Android Central, Android market share is dominant than other operating systems make it a target cyber criminals to inject malware into Android. This condition is similar to what happens to the Windows operating system for computer devices.

Android dominance used by 70 percent of smartphone users in the world to make irresponsible parties looking for loopholes to steal user data. It is undeniable there are cyber criminals who create special iOS and Windows 10 Mobile malware, but according to G Data, the main target is Android.

Still referring to G Data, the number of Android devices attacked by malware has increased sharply since 2012. At that time, the number of Android phones that attacked about 200 thousand units, and in 2013 the number increased significantly to 1.1 million units.

Since then, the number of malware-infected devices has always been on the rise. In 2016 the number of Android-infected malware hit 3.2 million units.

G Data conveys the main reason for the increasing number of malware-infected Android devices. This is none other than because most Android phones are still using old software and have not get patch updates.

Google has done a lot of things to keep Android safe. For example through cooperation with hardware vendors like Qualcomm and NVIDIA to fix this problem. Google also wrote a patch that can be applied to Android devices, but unfortunately still limited to Pixel devices, Nexus, and BlackBerry.

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