The Government of India is threatening to take legal action against WhatsApp

India threatens WhatsApp with legal action after hoaxes on the app led to lynchings (FB)
The Government of India is threatening to take legal action against WhatsApp after a number of people were killed without judicial process due to fake news and viral information in that application. In the last two months, occurred 20 high because of fake news and information that is not the clear origin.

The Government of India has announced the warning. The Ministry of the local information technology and delivering statements related thereto on Thursday, quoted from Business Insider.

"The rampant circulation of a large number of unsolicited messages on their platforms has not been properly addressed by WhatsApp.When false rumors and newsletters are propagandized by irresponsible people, the medium used cannot be free of responsibility, the Indian government said in its official statement.

Therefore, the Government of India asked WhatsApp for responsible if it does not want to face lawsuits.

 "If WhatsApp still is mute spectators, then they are likely to be treated as an accomplice of crime and will face the consequences of legal action, " clearly the Government of India.

Whatsapp middle into the spotlight during the past few months related fake news cycle that is in service. Information that is not clearly the ignite mass violence and sometimes led to turn off.


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