Apple Develops Sensor to Help Treat Diabetes

Quietly, Apple is developing sensors that can track blood sugar levels to help people with diabetes, reports CNBC.

Framer enterprise computing and smartphone technology has also been employed a group of biomechanical engineers for this project. Instead of doing tests to determine blood sugar levels, the biomechanical engineer is tasked to monitor the level of glucose through contact (device) skin.

Citing a report from The Verge, the team shows that biomechanical engineers to develop sensors to assist the treatment of diabetes in an office in Palo Alto. Just FYI, the actual sensor development of diabetes is not new for Apple.


Mentioned, the engineers have done research on sensors for five years. Apple also has begun conducting feasibility in clinical locations in the Bay Area. Not only engineers, the company also hired a number of consultants who help give direction regarding health regulations are quite complex.

Reportedly, the team is led by Senior Vice President Technology Hardware Apple Johny Srouji. CNBC report said, at least there are 30 people working in the team, including biomedical experts employed by Apple from companies such as Masimo Corp., Sano, Medtronic, and C8 Medisensors that has been employed since last year.

Suspected through this project, Apple once plans to create a new product. The idea comes from the proliferation of wearable devices used by the user. It is expected this wearable product can cope with the condition.

The study also reportedly been developed when Steve Jobs held the position as CEO of Apple. Still in development, work to measure blood sugar levels without injuring the skin is indeed a difficult thing to do.

In addition to Apple, Google is also reportedly developing a glucose monitor using another approach. The search engine giant to develop contact lenses that can keep track of blood sugar levels through the eye. Google began to develop its supporting equipment. The project was handled by the Life Sciences division.

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