Megaquarium, Business Game for PC

Twice circled, studio games from Bristol, England, which makes the game Big Pharma themed hospital, on March 21 and has announced the title of the next game. "Roller Coaster Tycoon with fish" is a new business game for personal computers or PCs.

Megaquarium is all about taking care of fish, meet their care needs, and help them grow. You have to prevent the fish eat each other by choosing tank mates carefully.

You should also think about how best to put a giant aquarium aquarium and staff so that visitors can see what is happening there. Synergy of fish and decorations of your choice to maximize revenues.

Hire staff and direct them efficiently to maximize certain skills. You should also pay attention to the personality of the employee and be careful not to upset them.

Use your resources to unlock new equipment and species of fish, crustaceans and invertebrates life. After exploring all the fish available from merchants, time to start breeding the best specimens together to create new species.

Glance according to Gizmodo's website, "Roller Coaster Tycoon with fish" is a mix of Pokémon video games Theme Park and Big Mouth Billy Bass often become the object of gifts.

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