They will visit the United States might be prompted his social media password. This is done as part of efforts to tighten security checks.
As quoted from CNET National Defence Secretary John Kelly told the House Homeland Security Committee at the local time to say, "We want to get into the social media they (the US visitors), complete with password to find out what they do and say . "
"If they do not cooperate, they were not allowed in (to the US)," Kelly said as reported by NBC News.
As for social media in question include Twitter, Facebook, and a host of other social media. It is said, from the social media pages, detailing the things a person can be known. Just like President Donald Trump portrayed through speaking at Twitter.
By having a person's social media password, the US authorities could see what was uploaded by that person on your profile page. They can also find contacts, upload, as well as that person's personal message. Kelly revealed it to Congress as another option to tackle immigration restrictions signed Trump.
Thus, it is likely, they are asked for the password of social media is the one who came from seven Muslim-majority countries were banned from entering the US, namely Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
Kelly said, requesting a password is an idea the United States Department of National Defence are being considered. Not only password, he also asked the US financial records of potential visitors.
Chances are, the agents on the border have checked Facebook profile. Last month, one of the lawyers told The Independent immigration, border patrol agent has checked your Facebook account for people who are stuck at the border. Previously, the policy of banning these immigrants also trigger strong opposition from a number of technology companies.
As quoted from CNET National Defence Secretary John Kelly told the House Homeland Security Committee at the local time to say, "We want to get into the social media they (the US visitors), complete with password to find out what they do and say . "

"If they do not cooperate, they were not allowed in (to the US)," Kelly said as reported by NBC News.
As for social media in question include Twitter, Facebook, and a host of other social media. It is said, from the social media pages, detailing the things a person can be known. Just like President Donald Trump portrayed through speaking at Twitter.
By having a person's social media password, the US authorities could see what was uploaded by that person on your profile page. They can also find contacts, upload, as well as that person's personal message. Kelly revealed it to Congress as another option to tackle immigration restrictions signed Trump.
Thus, it is likely, they are asked for the password of social media is the one who came from seven Muslim-majority countries were banned from entering the US, namely Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
Kelly said, requesting a password is an idea the United States Department of National Defence are being considered. Not only password, he also asked the US financial records of potential visitors.
Chances are, the agents on the border have checked Facebook profile. Last month, one of the lawyers told The Independent immigration, border patrol agent has checked your Facebook account for people who are stuck at the border. Previously, the policy of banning these immigrants also trigger strong opposition from a number of technology companies.