WhatsApp is reportedly preparing to release a feature called Sticker Reactions on its Android version of the app.

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WhatsApp is working on bringing new features to its Android version app. Before officially released on the Google Play Store, a number of users can test it via the instant messaging app's beta channel.

The reaction sticker becomes one of the important features that WhatsApp is planning to release soon in the future. This feature began to appear in some beta versions ago, but the developer behind WhatsApp decided to disable it in the previous beta.

However, there are great opportunities for this feature to be present in the next beta and can be tried as part of the testing process before it is officially released. To take advantage of this sticker, users need to select one of the stickers by tapping the new Love icon.

Each sticker selects one or more selectable reactions, but some stickers do not pick a reaction at all. WhatsApp is reportedly preparing the first four categories of reactions for this sticker, Lol, Love, Sad and Wow.

This reaction sticker will be able to be downloaded separately if the WhatsApp test results display the stickers most preferred by the user. Currently available in only four categories of reactions, however, WhatsApp is reportedly planning to add more reactions when the official feature is released on the Google Play Store.


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