Twitter announces that the company has acquired Smyte for an undisclosed amount

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In an effort to eliminate the bad elements on its platform, Twitter announced that it had acquired Smyte for an undisclosed amount. Smyte is an online security company that can identify cyberspace, hate speech and more.

Smyte will be in charge of monitoring Twitter and reporting Bot accounts, harassers, fraudsters, scoffers and other types of negative behavior Twitter wants to eliminate.

With the help of Smyte, policy-related authorities on Twitter will be able to be more active in acting to stop a rude behavior, which affects the application's usage experience.

Still going to remain a medium of fierce political-related discussions, Twitter has prepared rules and measures that allow it to suspend or ban and block accounts of its regulators.

In a statement, Twitter revealed that Smyte products will help them deal with security and spam-related challenges more quickly and effectively. Smyte's review and processing tool will be a great support for Twitter's tools and technologies, to keep community members safe.

Twitter also revealed plans to integrate its proprietary technology and Smyte to strengthen its systems and operations in the coming months. A number of parties welcomed the acquisition and Twitter's plan to bring the limits on negative behavior.


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