How to add RAM on Android with Smart Booster app

Android Smartphone as the OS platform most widely used by smartphone users. Because in addition to many applications that support this Android device allows users to maximize his Android device with optimal.

As we know smartphone has a hardware or hardware structure should a PC / Laptop equipped Processor, Storage, and RAM as an important tool to run various applications in addition to its capacity are also equivalent to a computer device.

Then what about phones that have a small RAM capacity such as 1GB? Of course, you must be smart to utilize a limited capacity to open a large application such as playing games so that the phone does not experience restart itself.

Then is there any way to increase RAM capacity on Android? If it's a small capacity of RAM to be your problem, then this post is made specifically for you who have a smartphone with limited-sized RAM, see the explanation below:

How to add RAM on Android with Smart Booster app

Smart Booster

One of the easiest and proven ways to increase the performance of RAM on a phone is to use additional applications that are able to optimize RAM performance so that applications run can run smoothly.

To use this application in accordance with our goal that is to add RAM performance following how.

1. The first thing you should do is download and install the Smart Booster app on your smartphone.

2. At this stage the application is already installed on your android device, now open the application Smart Booster and click Start now.untuk start processing memory dumb removal and release capacity you can directly click the Rocket logo button.

3. If the process on the second way above is still considered not enough to provide the desired performance then you can go to the settings menu and click RAM Boost menu then you setting Boost level at Aggressive level.

4. Not finished with Level boost setting you can click check on Boost When Screen Off option then change also option Delay to Boost when Screen Off become Immediately

5. After that, you have to set up the time lag of its RAM release so that the application does not do the release process any time that can just close the application you are playing, how to Click Boost automatically and change the Threshold into 100MB then setting Boost Interval to 5 minutes or can also more just adjust it with a suitable setting according to you.

You need to know, if your Android phone is in a state of Root then you can maximize it in the following way that is by going into the menu Experimental By checking Root RAM Booster option so the release of RAM will increase.

Thus, how to add RAM on Android phones with ease just by utilizing a small additional application that Smart Booster that can make the performance of mobile phones become increasingly light and fast. The results of your multitasking performance will not be interrupted even if the capacity of the default RAM HP is not so great.


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