Prior to implementation, the launch was said to have a high risk. SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk said, developing a new rocket means, the likelihood of successful launch may only reach 50 percent.
"I imagine the rocket will explode at the launch site, the wheels of cars rolling down the road. Luckily, that does not happen," Musk said after testing this launch. With the success of this launch, the Falcon Heavy became the rocket that can carry the heaviest loads.
Falcon Heavy is designed to lift loads of 64 tons, twice that of the most powerful rocket of the moment, Delta IV Heavy. Musk says, though able to lift loads more than double the Delta IV Heavy, the cost required to deliver the Falcon Heavy is only a third of the cost of delivering Delta IV Heavy.
In testing this time, SpaceX does not include loads up to Falcon Heavy's maximum capacity. Instead, they put a red Tesla Roadster.
In the car, a mannequin using SpaceX space-made clothes was seated. While the car radio was made to play the Space Oddity song sung by David Bowie.
If all these aviation phases are successful and this can only be confirmed 6.5 hours since launch then the Tesla car will lead to the planet Mars.