Samsung announced the discontinuation of its Game Recorder + application starting February 28th

Samsung Game Recorder+
Samsung announced the discontinuation of its app operations titled Game Recorder +, which it launched in 2015 and, on February 28, this app will be closed. This app is capable of recording game sessions on a smartphone.

The termination decision is estimated based on the number of users of Game Recorder + apps that are considered not enough. After February 28, users can no longer record games with this app, even though it's already installed on Samsung smartphones.

An announcement made over a period of about a month is aimed at Samsung to allow users time to make copies of videos they still want to keep.

Because, deleting the app without backing up the content will also delete the previous record. To perform a backup on videp Game Recorder +, the user just needs to type the Save button on the video recording menu.

The video will be stored in the Game Recorder folder on the user's Samsung smartphone. But until now, there is still no information related to the next Samsung plan related to the replacement of this application with a new application or service.

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