You Need 29 GB Create Main LA Noire on Nintendo Switch

L.A. Noire
LA Noire has just landed on the Nintendo Switch a few days ago. However, some gamers claim to have problems when playing it. Constraints in question is related to the internal memory capacity of the Nintendo Switch. Yes, for those of you who intend to buy this game, you should consider in advance, whether you already have SD card or not.

Because the digital version of LA Noire purchased on The Eshop has a 29 GB file size. Though internal memory Nintendo Switch itself only capacity 32 GB.

Capacity is only written capacity. In Nintendo's description, 6.2 GB of capacity is allocated to the system. Thus, the actual capacity received is only about 26 GB.

Meanwhile, for the cartrdige version game, it takes 14 GB on the first day's update.

In the update written required gameplay data and improvements and improvements thoroughly. Only, the price tag of this physical version is more expensive than digital.

In comparison, the game made by Bethesda, namely Doom mentioned will take up to 16 GB capacity with cartridge version. Unfortunately not known how the amount of games that digital version.

When compared with the two games earlier, it's the file size is nothing with Nintendo's own game. Super Mario Odyssey for example, requires only 5.2 GB for the digital version. While Splatoon 2 only need 3.1 GB and Arms that just need 2.2 GB.

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