The device is estimated as Lumia 950 XL. There are several pictures of the prototype Windows 10 Mobile phone that did not get marketed, but this video is rated as one of the most painful to see.
The short-duration video featuring Surface Pen from Surface Pro 4 fourth generation works on the prototype, at the eraser and the end of the pen. The pen's implementation looks rough with less touch sensitivity and can not function at any point.
The video raises the question behind the reason that Microsoft abandoned a half-run plan. Microsoft is expected to deny having such plans, especially to have the prototype, although the video has been widely circulated.
Meanwhile, Microsoft also rolled out a number of updates one for Microsoft Launcher Android version.
The update contains a number of new fixes and features, whether the user has asked for a long time, as well as a completely new feature.
Previously Microsoft was sued for allegedly infringing patents related to technologies used on HoloLens. The mixed reality device that started attracting businesses was at the center of patent infringement claims committed by HoloTouch.