Bixby 2.0 Will Attend at Samsung Developer Conference?

On October 18, Samsung is ready to host its annual Developer Conference event in San Francisco, USA. In the event, Samsung is predicted to reveal the latest virtual assistant version of his work, the Bixby 2.0. This virtual assistant first greets the public through Samsung's flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus. Now, Samsung also wants to present its virtual assistant on third-party products and non-smartphone devices.

However, Bixby has not received a warm welcome from the public. The problem that hinders this virtual assistant to understand English forces Samsung to delay its launch by about two months.

In addition, the Bixby-related information that is rife in circulation has caused the enthusiastic level of society for Sasmung's virtual assistant to decline. This caused Samsung to replace the head of the Bixby development division.

One of the non-smartphone products will be an important part of the establishment of support for Bixby is a smart speaker. This is a device that launched Amazon Alexa, becoming one of the stars in the realm of technology in 2017.

Meanwhile in July, Samsung denied making the product, although in August Samsung confirmed that smart speakers will soon slide.

Similar to Amazon Alexa, Samsung will utilize Bixby as an option on a third party product simultaneously or replace Google Assistant.

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