5 Quick And Easy Tricks Restore Lost WhatsApp Contacts

Ever suddenly contacts in your WhatsApp disappear all without a trace? If this has happened, it will definitely make you confused because important contacts such as parent numbers and contact your other important friends you can not contact them anymore.

However, you really do not have to worry about excess. Because there are quick and easy ways to restore the lost contacts. How, just consider the following reviews.

1. Clear your WhatsApp application cache

This step is reportedly you can do if contacts in WhatsApp suddenly lost not trace. How, go to Settings then Application, then select WhatsApp. After the display appears Apps Info, immediately select the Force Stop menu and then select the Clear Cache menu.

If so, try restarting your smartphone and look back at WhatsApp app. Surely some missing contacts will return to your WhatsApp.

2. Enable the Permission menu

If at any time the contact number on your WhatsApp suddenly disappears all, then Permissions menu possibly on your smartphone is not yet active. So, cause contacts on smartphones and WhatsApp not connected and make lost when you do not accidentally restart your smartphone.

Well, let me no longer happen it then you must activate Permission menu in your smartphone. How, go to the Settings menu and then select the Application menu and WhatsApp menu Permissions.

After that, activate the Permission menu in your WhatsApp so that the system can read your contacts and reduce the possibility of missing contact numbers suddenly.

3. Show all contacts from WhatsApp settings

So, if the contact number in WhatsApp suddenly disappears it could be because of the contact settings in your WhatsApp Settings menu is not active yet. Well, let me not happen again it's good to enable this setting in Settings menu and Contact and check list Display All Contact option.

4. Enable contacts in your Gmail account

WhatsApp's contacts are indeed integrated with Google accounts. Well, if on your smartphone Gmail account too much then the contacts that should be stored in Gmail is not displayed in Phone Book and automatic contact does not appear in WhatsApp.

To fix this, choose Settings in your smartphone contacts app. Then look for the Contact to display menu, and check the list of Gmail accounts where you saved contacts.

After that, do not forget to Refresh Contact in WhatsApp application and automatically lost contact namely will not be detected.

5. If it's stuck, try deleting and reinstalling your WhatsApp

This is the very last way, especially if you've stuck can no longer return the contact number is lost abruptly. But you need to remember, when re-installing you must install an existing app on the Play Store yes.
