The First Mixed Reality Headset Made by Dell 'Visor'

Dell just announced Dell Visor, the first Mixed Reality headset from Dell. This headset will utilize Microsoft's Windows Mixed Reality platform.

The headset will be available in October for US $ 350. Dell also bundled with two controllers at a price of US $ 450. Dell first announced its plan to make this headset in May last.

Although Microsoft called its platform as a Mixed Reality platform, but the initial demonstration of the platform only showed the Virtual Reality experience.

Even so the headset for Mixed Reality is usually equipped with a front camera that allows users to take advantage of technology VR or AR (Augmented Reality).

So what's the difference of both VR And AR technology? AR technology will combine the real world with the virtual world. The developers will usually create an image in the application that will blend with the existing object in the real world.
While VR technology is focused on developing the virtual world that users will enter. In that world, users should be able to interact with objects that exist in the virtual world. Ideally, the virtual world will make the user can not distinguish what is real and not.

Dell launches Visor because it wants to provide options at affordable prices. However, when compared with other VR headsets, Dell Visor price is not much different. For example Vive complete with accessories priced at US $ 599 and Oculus Rift and remote control valued US $ 399.
With prices that are not much different Microsoft and Dell should be able to provide something unique as a selling power Visor.
