Buyers of Galaxy Note 7 Can Discount for Galaxy Note 8

Galaxy Note 8
In the launch of the Galaxy Note 8 Samsung also announced that people who have bought the Galaxy Note 7 will get a discount if they want to buy the latest model.

To get this discount you must redeem the smartphone you are using.

The amount of discount earned will depend on the brand and the condition of the smartphone used. The biggest discount that Samsung gave is up to US $ 425.

To participate in this program you can visit Samsung's official website when booking Galaxy Note 8 begins. Unfortunately this discount applies only to users in the United States.

The problem with the Galaxy Note 7 battery last year forced Samsung to recall nearly 3 million devices. In addition to the financial loss of Samsung's reputation is also damaged due to this problem.

Samsung's total loss from this incident is US $ 5 billion. But although Samsung has pulled the Galaxy Note 8, there are still some loyal users who are reluctant to return their Note 7. In the end Samsung decided to make the phone can not work.

It is clear that Samsung's decision to give a discount on Galaxy Note 7 users is their effort to win the hearts of customers back and show their appreciation to people who are loyal to the Samsung brand.
