Instead of being obsolete, a legacy game can make a lot of money. Citing the Ubergizmo page, a game titled Stadium Events that can be played on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console sold for US $ 42,000.
At first, the owner of this rare game originally sold it through eBay in order to bargain. When there has been a price agreement with a prospective buyer, it turns out that the prospective buyer who bid the video game does not make a payment.
Luck just sides with the owner of this rare game Stadium Events when a serious buyer contacts him and offers fantastic prices.
Mentioned, one of the things that make this game video rare because the game was only released in a short time before finally withdrawn from the market and replaced with the World Class Track Meet.
Therefore, the game Stadium Events are included in this type of rare game in the world and the price is fairly expensive. Moreover, this game is still in the original package and wrapped neatly as when it was first released.
Based on the results of the assessment conducted Video Game Authority, this game still has very good conditions with a value of 85 from a total of 100 points.